Monday, May 25, 2009


Today I was looking at my own as I stood before the mirror and I could not help but get a little emotional. I remembered the agony and the suffering of the past year the treatments, the emotional roller coaster rides, the hospital stays, the surgeries. Wow, what a ride!
Some might say it's unsightly and I have a flaw, but I chose to look at it as a beauty mark as a sign of character.
It shows that I'm a warrior not afraid to fight back! My scars show that I have waged war and come out the victor. Sometimes the marks on the outside are some of the smallest wounds that get noticed; only superficial while scars run deep piercing vital organs.
Not only have I won a physical battle; but I have won a spiritual and emotional one as well. For the last 2 weeks I have taken to looking at my scars in a new light. No longer do I see them as superficial skin deep marks but I see them as what has made me-ME.
What once used to suck the very life from me and restrain me from living the life I used to has given me courage to look fear in the face and say, "You haven't had the last say after all!"
Today I saw that I was beautiful; today I saw a woman of character not a coward! Today I can see a bright future of hope.
I have come to the conclusion that beauty is in the eye of the beholder-scars and ALL!

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